Well, thanks largely to the weather here in SE Qld, I've only managed to make some small progress on the new outdoor enrichment aviaries that will house our Lories. Last week I was able to get the three roofs wired up. This was a good hurdle to get over as doing the roofs is my least favourite part of wiring conventional aviary frames. I managed to do an OK job on two of them but completely botched the last one. All I can hope is that anyone who sees them will be too busy looking at the birds to take any notice of my dodgy roof wiring. I'll have some more `tech' info on the tools and materials I'm using in the next update - and some closeups of the technique used to get the wire nice and tight. The process of building these will hopefully feature in one of my presentations at Parrots 2010. Ya gotta be there people! In the meantime - if you have any questions about building an aviary for your pet bird then get in touch with me via jim@pbec.com.au. Perhaps I'll write up the response as a post here so that everyone can share in the learning.
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